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Monday, November 4, 2013

Intermittent Fasting - How to Achieve Ultimate Weight Loss Results

Have you ever heard of intermittent fasting? It's exactly what it sounds like. It's a program where once or twice a week you fast. So twice a week you consume nothing but water. This method can make you lose a lot of weight quick, and it's not unhealthy despite popular belief.

Think about how you're supposed to lose weight. It's simple, you just have to use up more calories than you intake. If you go 2 whole days a week with no calorie intake, you will speed up your weight loss process dramatically.

One thing that may worry you is you won't have enough energy to continue your exercise program. Well, that's only the case when you do permanent fasting for consecutive days. With intermittent fasting you fast only once every few days, so you will still have energy to do your workouts. In fact, it actually helps speed up your metabolism and can actually increase energy levels.

Another benefit of fasting is because it cleans out your body. If you only drink water for a whole day, you remove all of the toxins in your body from your normal diet. By getting rid of these toxins, you can lose weight faster, and you will feel better while fasting.

Try intermittent fasting if you're trying to lose weight. Start out only doing it once a week with very moderate exercise, and if you think you can handle it, start to step it up, until you're doing it twice a week and have a regular exercise program to go with it.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Weight Loss Tips Of The Day

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Are You Looking For a Rapid Weight Loss Program That's Healthy?

Are you looking for a rapid weight loss program that's healthy? It is tempting to want to lose weight as fast as possible especially if you have an event coming up. However, it is important to note that losing weight too fast is not healthy and the pounds you lose in an unhealthy manner will surely return back to you in double folds with time.

If you are wanting rapid weight loss that is healthy, then following the listed tips will help you achieve healthy and rapid weight loss.

1. Eat Breakfast

Never, ever skip breakfast. It is the first and most important meal of the day. Eating your breakfast helps kick start your metabolism and gives your the energy required throughout the day.

2. Eat 4-5 small meals per day

It is important to eat 4-5 small meals per day instead of the usual 3 big meals we are are used too. Eating every 3-4 hours per day helps keep your body fired up and helps fight against hunger prangs.

3. Regular Exercise

Rapid weight loss can never be achieved without regular exercise. A 10-15 minutes exercise per day will be good enough to help you lose weight and help keep your metabolism at it peak.

4. Drink 8-10 glasses of water per day

If you want to achieve a rapid weight loss then it is important that you drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Drinking water regularly throughout the day helps flush out toxins from your system and also gives your metabolism the necessary grease.

5. Eat more fiber

It is also important to eat as much fiber as you can if you want to achieve a rapid weight loss. Eating between 20-30 grams of fiber per day will help you feel less hungry. Examples of food high in fiber are: Apples, Beans, Almonds, etc.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Even With the Fastest Diet Plan - Sleeping Affects Weight Loss

A lot of people do not understand that getting insufficient sleep negatively affects your weight loss efforts.

When you are constantly tired your natural response is to eat more food to boost your energy levels. Of course by eating more food you are on a course to gain weight and even the fastest diet plan is not going to help you to reduce your waist size.

As your digestive system works to do its job, it causes even more tiredness in addition to your sleep deprivation. The energy your body saps as it digests causes you even more reason to continue to eat more food and you continue to gain weight. It can be a vicious cycle and just a little frustrating to say the least when you are on one of the fastest diet plans to reduce that waist size.

So, being continually tired with reduced energy levels, all by itself, is a major contributor to your gaining weight.

The obvious solution to your sleep deprivation is to consciously take the initiative to make a plan for you to get more sleep at night on a regular basis. This is going to re-energize your body so that it will not rely on additional food to re supply your energy levels.

For those of you whose lifestyle, due to work or other activities, does not permit you to get sufficient and regular sleep, but you still want to use one of the Fastest diet plan methods to reduce your waist size, a little trick is to drink more water. Increasing your water intake will give you more energy and causes you to be less hungry.

Now on the contrary, it is also possible to sleep way too much and then you will gain weight because of your lack of time to get normal exercise. Getting less than enough exercise causes you keep additional body fat and you are going to gain weight.

Therefore, be aware of the effect on your weight loss goals that not getting regular and sufficient sleep or even too much sleep can cause. Then adjust your life accordingly if you really want to reduce waist size and lose that unhealthy weight and make the fastest diet plan you are working with, work in your favor.

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A Little Caution Before Buying A Green Tea Weight Loss Pill

For thousands of years, green tea has been used as a health remedy in parts of China and Asia. Today, research has shown that green tea can do more than just alleviate certain illnesses. Green tea has also been shown to help people lose weight - something millions of Americans see as a ray of light in this day where obesity is hounding millions of Americans.

Benefits of green tea

According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, green tea has shown to carry health benefits including helping people boost metabolism, decrease appetite, and increase fat absorption. Apart from that, green tea is also a known powerful antioxidant that helps lower bad cholesterol and even fights cancer cells.

The active ingredient found in green tea is caffeine. Caffeine is a known weight loss product. But of course, green tea does not just contain caffeine. Its other vitamins and mineral content also contributes to the health benefits of green tea.

Utilizing the power of green tea

Because of this known fact, green tea has been used for a variety of reasons. Today, green tea has taken on different forms. Green tea extracts have been placed in a variety of products, including green tea patches, vitamins, supplements, and the latest, the green tea weight loss pill. Each of these products supposedly contains significant amounts of green tea plus other chemicals to help people lose weight. But how effective are these products compared to the natural green tea drink?

Is it effective?

Although green tea has known health benefits, the green tea weight loss pill remains untested. A green tea weight loss pill, if taken without precaution, can cause vomiting, bloating, indigestion, and diarrhea. Plus, huge amounts of caffeine can also be found in a green tea weight loss pill, which can be dangerous for you.

A word of caution

Before you head off to your local pharmacy, you have to understand that a green tea weight loss pill contains other additives that can be dangerous and effects of which are unknown. Hence, you should not buy or take green tea weight loss pills that contain unknown or unfamiliar chemicals, which may bear serious side effects. It is still best to drink natural green tea.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Eating Organic For Weight Loss

The basic weight loss formula is simple and it is emphasized in numerous weight loss programs, books and articles: weight gain is a result of taking in more calories than the body can burn for energy. While this is true there are also many other factors that contribute to weight gain and without addressing them it is impossible to lose weight and maintain it.

Complete change in diet and detoxification are the first steps to address conditions that lead to weight gain.

To be effective every single weight loss program should start with detoxification. Through cleaning the body we can increase the metabolism, reverse aging, improve health and lose weight. Losing weight through any other method will not create sustainable results and there will be always a struggle to maintain the ideal weight afterwards.

So how eating the organic food can contribute to weight loss?

Let's say you detoxified your body through a cleansing program and now you are back to your regular diet or a healthier diet than the one you had before. If you don't consume organic food you will load your body again with pesticides, herbicides, chemical fertilizers, preservatives, antibiotics, etc. This means that all the body cleansing work you did was in vain. You will start gaining weight again or will struggle to keep your ideal weight.

By consuming the organic products you will not overburden the liver so it will effectively perform its functions. One of the functions of the liver is burning fat for energy and taking out the excess fat of the body. This is how the organic products can help you keep your ideal weight and be healthy.

Besides the mentioned health and weight maintenance benefits, organic products are also much tastier than the ones loaded with all sorts of chemicals.

I realize that it is not easy to find organic products in some regions; also they are more expensive than the regular ones. Try to consume organic food as much as possible and do regular detoxifications to clean your body of toxins.

The most contaminated foods are meat, milk, apples, strawberries, peaches, sweet peppers so try to consume the organic variety of these foods. The least contaminated foods are broccoli, onions, cabbage, asparagus, avocados.

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Weight Loss Dietary Supplements

According to statistics, almost six out of ten Americans suffer from being overweight and are considered to be close to obesity. The rate of obesity is increasing every year, as most individuals are leading improper life styles and incorrect food habits. As a result, most individuals try to reduce obesity with the help of various weight loss products and dietary supplements available in the market. Individuals have started to look towards faster and often unnatural modes of weight loss techniques in the hope of instant results and overnight slimming down procedures. Some dietary supplements made out of natural ingredients and scientific processes and are professed an authentic and sure way of reducing weight. Their effectiveness and safety may not be vouched for.

Dietary supplements may include a combination of vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids or botanical plants and come in the form of an extract or concentration of all these ingredients. Dietary supplements are usually available in the form of pills, capsules, gel, liquid, or powder. Most food and medicines used for weight loss programs are scrutinized by FDA or Food and Drug Administration and certified fit for consumption. Safety of dietary supplements cannot be checked by FDA, due to which it remains a matter of concern while using these dietary supplements. FDA can put a ban on such dietary supplements only if a problem is reported after its usage. A supplement prepared from the herb ephedra, also known as ma huang or herbal fen-phen, was considered in 2003 to have caused the death of a famous baseball player. FDA pulled it out from the market post investigation as it came under suspicion.

According to researches, trying dietary supplements can be a risky procedure. Such experiments might have worse side effects instead of helping individuals to lose weight. Healthy and balanced diet complemented by regular physical exercises and reduced intake of high calorie foods could be a safer and better way to lose weight.

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